A Meeting in the Dark
- Title: A Meeting in the Dark
- Scripture: John 3:1-21
Point 1: A Man in the Dark
- Nicodemus, a trusted teacher, is perceived as enlightened, yet Jesus reveals his darkness.
- Actions speak louder than words; misalignment indicates shadowed living.
- Nicodemus, a Pharisee leader, epitomizes the influential religious-political faction opposing Jesus.
- Coming to Jesus under the cover of darkness, Nicodemus is confronted for his hidden intentions.
- Despite his stature, Nicodemus remains ignorant of salvation, the Kingdom, and the Spirit.
Point 2: The Way Out of Darkness
- To enter heavenly light, one needs heavenly guidance.
- Jesus, meeting Nicodemus in his darkness, symbolizes meeting individuals where they are.
- Through His sacrifice, Jesus transforms earthly darkness into the brilliance of God’s love.
- The venomous serpent story illustrates God’s ingenious use of poison to create an antidote.
- Satan’s blindness to God’s plan in Jesus’ death reveals divine mastery over darkness.
Point 3: The Challenge of Coming out of Darkness
- Jesus’ fiery love pierces Nicodemus, urging him to step into the light.
- Embracing light means exposing oneself to God and the world, requiring vulnerability.
- Nicodemus’ belated emergence from darkness highlights missed opportunities.
- Encounters with Jesus demand stepping out of comfort zones and into the unknown.
- The call to step into the light beckons us to embrace God’s gifts, even if their contents remain unknown.
- Encounters with Jesus prompt stepping out of comfort zones into the light.
- Withdrawal from God leads to spiritual darkness, while embracing His presence illuminates our path.
- Are there shadows God is calling you out of?
- Confession lightens the burden of sin.
- Serving breaks the inertia of complacency.
- Embracing hope revives faith in God’s promises.
Step into the light and discover the transformative power of God’s love in your life.